Category Archives: News

All news items from the 23rd Bromley Scout Group.

Dates for your Diaries

Please find below dates of a number of group events we have planned for the remainder of the calendar year:

  • Sunday 15th September – Harvest Church Parade
  • Saturday 28th September – Group AGM
  • Sunday 10th November – Remembrance Day Parade
  • Saturday 23rd November – Christmas Fair
  • Saturday 7th December – Stage Building
  • Friday 20th December – Christmas Carol Concert

Sponsored Hopscotch Raised over £4,250!

Over 50 people of all ages took part in a 24-Hour Sponsored Hopscotch event at the Scout HQ on 13th/14th April. The challenge was to collectively complete as many hopscotches as possible, ensuring there was always at least one person hopscotching at any one time!

The Beavers kicked off the event at 10am on Saturday morning – throughout the first 12 hours Brownies, Cubs, Scouts and some Leaders / Parents all took turns in completing as many hopscotches as they could. As day turned into night, it was the turn of the Explorers to take up the challenge. Fueled by plenty of snacks, the Explorers had the challenge of continuing through the night. A special mention must go to the 5 Explorers, 1 Scout and 4 Leaders who stayed up all night and ensured there was always at least one person hopscotching at all times. As morning broke, people from all Sections came along to complete the last two hours of Hopscotching. In the 24 hour period we completed 39,215 hopscotches – which is an epic achievement!

It was fantastic to see so many different people from different sections all take part in this event – in total 8 different sections were represented (including one of the Brownies colonies).

The event was to raise money for the HQ Improvement Fund and the group are delighted that it raised over £4,250! We really appreciate every donation and were blown away by everyone’s generosity. The money raised means we are well on the way to achieving our fundraising goal to provide improved toilets and an accessible entrance to the Scout HQ.

Thank you to everyone who supported the event – including the leaders who organised the event, all who did some hopscotching and all those who donated so generously.

Hopscotch Challenge Match Funding

The Scout Group have very kindly agreed to MATCH FUND every pound that is raised from the Hopscotch Event later this month – this includes all money raised from paper sponsor forms and the JustGiving page:

This means that whatever amount is raised will be DOUBLED by the Scout Group. All funds raised from the event will go towards the fundraising for the HQ Improvement Project – which is aiming to improve the toilet facilities at the Scout HQ and also provide a more accessible entrance.

Another Successful Quiz Night

Thank you everyone who attended the Quiz Night on Friday – we raised £473 towards Group Funds. 

A very enjoyable evening and a big thank you to Paul for being Quiz Master and Mark for scoring.

Look out for our next Quiz night in October, details will be on our website early September.

Group Awarded £1,000 Donation

We were informed today that we have been awarded £1,000 as part of the Movement for Good initiative. This money will be going towards our ongoing fundraising efforts for our HQ Improvement Works.

Thanks to all those who nominated us, and keep out for similar nominations in future.

24 Hour Hopscotch Challenge

We are planning a 24 hour hopscotch challenge, from 10am on Saturday 13th April until 10am on Sunday 14th April at the Scout HQ. Collectively we will be sponsored to complete as many hopscotches as possible in 24 hours, and ensuring that we always have at least one person hopscotching at all times.

For more details please visit our dedicated Hopscotch page.

To sign up to take part simply fill in the form at:

You can donate via our JustGiving page at:

Bromley Rotary Club Presentation

The Group were delighted to be presented with a cheque for £550 from Bromley Rotary Club. This was as a result of the successful Santa Sleigh Collection that we supported before Christmas. We are really thankful for the support from the public and Bromley Rotary Club – the generosity helps us to continue to provide affordable Scouting for our members.

Save the Date – 24 Hour Sponsored Event

From 10am on Saturday 13th April until 10am on Sunday 14th April the group will be organising a 24 hour sponsored event to raise funds for the building works we are hoping to do at the Scout HQ.

It will primarily be based at the Scout HQ, but the Scout Troop will also be taking part whilst at camp that weekend.

More details will follow in due course.

Fundraising Quiz Night 2024

The 23rd Bromley Scout Group Fundraising Committee are holding a Quiz Night on Friday 22nd March 19.45 start, in the Scout HQ, with all proceeds going to Group funds.

Teams can have a maximum of 8 people – but if you are unable to make up a team then let us know and we can arrange other people to join you.

The Quiz master for the evening will be the ever popular Paul Gubby with a prize for the winning team and there will be a raffle held during the evening.

The price is just £5 per person (paid on the night by cash or card please). With only 104 seats available, book early to avoid disappointment!!

Please bring your own drinks and refreshments.

Any questions please email