Hall Improvement Project


As of 30th January 2025 we have raised the following amount for the HQ Improvement Project: £31,561.29.

If you would like to send a donation you can do by clicking here, alternatively please contact admin@23rdbromleyscouts.org so you can be provided with our Bank Details.

If you know of any sources of funding, or would like to help with fundraising then please please contact admin@23rdbromleyscouts.org.


At the 23rd Bromley we are very lucky to have our own hall to use for all of our Scouting activities.  Many other groups in the area have to make use of school / church halls which have limited availability and high rental costs. Our Scout Group has a long term lease agreement with St Augustine’s Church whereby we pay minimal rent for the hall, but we are responsible for the costs of the upkeep of the facilities. These costs are not insignificant and they are rising year on year, however the costs are lower than rental costs of other Scout Groups which means the 23rd Bromley is able to provide one of the most affordable Scouting experiences in Bromley.

Having such a large hall and field, that we can use as and when we want allows us to provide a variety of Scouting experiences for all ages. However we are aware that there are a number of ways in which the hall can be improved. For example we only have one female toilet which is somewhat of an issue given some sections are predominately made up of girls.

Therefore the group are undertaking a “HQ Improvement Project” in order to upgrade the facilities that are available for our Young People and Leaders to use. It is still early days and the scope and timescales are yet to be decided.

What are we planning to do?

We are currently looking into the most economical way that we can i) improve disabled access to the hall and ii) improve the toilet facilities for all genders. As well as these major upgrades, we are also hoping to carry out some minor upgrades to ensure that the hall is still a high quality for all users.

Why are we planning to do it?

The make up of the Scout group has developed over the years, so our facilities need to develop as well. Some of our sections have as many female members as male members, and its not practical for all of our female members to use a single disabled toilet. We are also conscious that our HQ does not have a permanent accessible entrance for those with limited mobility – this can be off putting for new members, parents and individuals who wish to support fundraising events. In essence we want to be an inclusive Scout group for our local community.

How can you help?

There are a number of ways in which you can help, including:

  1. Keep an eye out for a number of fundraising events that will be organised to support this project.
  2. Let us know of any fundraising ideas that you may have.
  3. If you are aware of any grants that you think might be suitable for us to apply for then please let us know.
  4. If your Employer runs matched funding schemes and/or corporate volunteering opportunities then please get in touch – there are a variety of ways in which this can be of use.
  5. If you know of any local construction / building companies who specialise in constructing small extensions and/or bathroom renovations, please pass their details onto us.
  6. In due course we may look to do some of the simple preparatory works ourselves, so please keep an eye out for working parties that may be arranged in the future.
  7. If you would like to join the small working group that is looking into the fundraising and then delivery of the works, then please get in touch.

This has been a result of a lot of hard work by a number of volunteers – and is only the start of a long journey ahead of us. Thanks to all those who have inputted on this to date, and those who will support us in this exciting venture going forward.

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