
Please find below dates of a number of group events we have planned for the remainder of the calendar year: ...
Over 50 people of all ages took part in a 24-Hour Sponsored Hopscotch event at the Scout HQ on 13th/14th ...
Joining instructions for this weekend have been emailed out to all who have signed up - don't worry if you ...
The Scout Group have very kindly agreed to MATCH FUND every pound that is raised from the Hopscotch Event later ...
Thank you everyone who attended the Quiz Night on Friday - we raised £473 towards Group Funds. A very enjoyable ...
We were informed today that we have been awarded £1,000 as part of the Movement for Good initiative. This money ...
We are planning a 24 hour hopscotch challenge, from 10am on Saturday 13th April until 10am on Sunday 14th April ...
The Group were delighted to be presented with a cheque for £550 from Bromley Rotary Club. This was as a ...
From 10am on Saturday 13th April until 10am on Sunday 14th April the group will be organising a 24 hour ...
The 23rd Bromley Scout Group Fundraising Committee are holding a Quiz Night on Friday 22nd March 19.45 start, in the ...
Oh what fun we had! With a significantly bigger cast than previous years; comprising of lots of new young people, ...
It's now less than two weeks until our Pantomime performances start. The Saturday afternoon performance is sold out, but tickets ...
Tickets are selling fast for our Pantomime - book soon to avoid disappointment. Saturday afternoon is now sold out, but ...
Thank you to everyone who came to our Christmas Fair yesterday - we raised over £700 for the Scout Group ...
This year our pantomime is Dick Whittington and rehearsals are well underway. We have a fantastic cast this year - ...
Can you spare 30 seconds to give the Scout Group the chance of being given £5,000? Simply visit Enter ...
WE NEED YOUR HELP... The Scout HQ project is continuing at pace and we now have detailed construction drawings which ...
Tonight the Scout Troop are having a 'Sleepout' for Bromley Homeless - they have spent the afternoon getting their shelters ...
It has been another fantastic year for the 23rd Bromley Scout Group. We are are pleased to publish our Annual Report ...
Our annual Christmas Carol Concert in the Church will be on Friday 15th December starting at 7.00pm.  It will be ...
It’s only 5 weeks until the next fund raising event on Saturday the 25th November which will be the Group’s ...
We are delighted that our planning application for the HQ Extension has been approved by Bromley Council. This give us ...
It’s only 9 weeks until the next fund raising event on Saturday the 25th November which will be the Group’s ...
We’re holding our AGM this year on Friday 15th September at 8pm at the Scout HQ, Homemead Road, Bromley, BR2 ...
The group has taken a big step forward with our HQ Improvement Project today. Our planning application has been formally ...
Our sections have all had their final meeting of term, so another successful term has come to an end. Thank ...
With the summer holidays fast approaching a lot of local children will be without their daily hot meal at school ...
In late June a number of Scouts and Explorers from the group took part in the Bromley District Moonwalk event ...
The Second Hand Uniform Sale that a couple of our parents organised was a great success, so much so that ...
Scouting really is for people of all ages, and the fun doesn't have to stop when you leave Network aged ...
The stage we use for our Pantomime and Gang Show performances every year is in need of some tender loving ...
The 23rd Bromley were delighted that a number of our volunteers were chosen to support the Coronation celebrations for King ...
Next Monday we are putting on an event to celebrate the Coronation - all are welcome to come along between ...
Unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances the Race Night planned for next month has been postponed. In due course a new ...
There wasn't a spare seat in the HQ (literally!) for the Fundraising Committee Quiz Night on Friday - with just ...
Tickets for the Fundraising Committee Quiz Night on Saturday 22nd April 2023 are on sale - more details can be ...
Tickets for the Fundraising Committee Quiz Night on Friday 24th March 2023 are on sale here. Tickets cost £5 per ...
After a break due to Covid, it was great to put on another Gang Show at the end of January ...
On Friday evening our Group Chairman, Colin Goodwin, had the pleasure of collecting a cheque for £1,020 from Bromley Rotary ...
Both Gang Show performances are now SOLD OUT. People can email to be added to a waiting list. Should ...
Huge thank you to everybody who came along to our Pantomime last weekend. Around 400 audience members were entertained across ...
The Fundraising Committee are organising a number of events this spring at the HQ - further details will be shared ...
Tickets for the upcoming Gang Show performances have gone on sale this afternoon. There are two Gang Show performances on ...
After an enforced break the group are delighted to once again be putting on a Gang Show. It will be ...
Thanks to everyone who have donated second hand uniforms and camping gear last term. We have collated all of the ...
Huge thank you to the army of volunteers who came along on Saturday morning to help put the stage up ...
Our annual Christmas Carol Concert in the Church will be on Friday 16th December starting at 7.00pm.  It will be ...
Thank you to everybody who came along to Remembrance Day Parade on Sunday 13th November. It was great to have ...
After an enforced break due to the pandemic, the Group are delighted that the 23rd Bromley Pantomime Society will be ...
We are excited to once again be putting on a Christmas Fair - it is always a great event to ...



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Everyday adventure challenge, fun and friendship! Reg Charity No: 267692