Category Archives: News

All news items from the 23rd Bromley Scout Group.

Virtual Investiture

As with many things, Scouting has changed over the last couple of months. We have traded section meetings in the Scout HQ, for virtual meetings and activities via Zoom.

The group were delighted to be able to invest two new members into the Spitfire Beavers earlier this week – congratulations to Xander and Leo who become the first members of the group to be invested into the group via Zoom. We would like to welcome you both to the group and hope you have an excellent time with us.

Scouting from Home

We may not be able to meet in person at the moment, but that doesn’t mean we can’t continue Scouting.

Our Young People have continued Scouting from their home – across the group dozens of badges have been earned, lots of nights camping out at home and even raised £534 for Comic Relief and Children in Need by taking part in Hike to the Moon. A number of our leaders have also been taking part in online meetings to keep in touch with their sections.

A number of our sections (especially Beavers and Cubs) have space for new members. If you want to join the adventure then visit

Hike to the Moon

On Thursday 23rd April, BBC Children in Need and Comic Relief, joined forces for their Big Day In on Radio and their Big Night In on TV. It was a massive fundraising event to celebrate the incredible people making a difference in communities across the UK and to support people who need it most during the Coronavirus crisis.

Scouts across the UK got involved by taking part in the Hike to the Moon challenge – which is just a short 240,000 mile journey!

A number of Young People from the 23rd Bromley tool party by hiking around their home or garden, or by going for a short walk.

Those taking part raised over £500 for BBC Children in Need and Comic Relief – you can still sponsor them at

Scouts throughout the UK successfully raised over £265,000! Below are some photos of our Young People taking part.

Virtually Camping

COVID-19 may have changed the way we do things, but it won’t stop Scouts camping!

Northumberland Scouts are organising a month-long Virtual Camp throughout April for anybody who wishes to take part.
Take up the challenge and let’s keep on…

Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers, Network, Leaders, Parents, and all Young People interested in joining in the fun just have to:

  • Pack a bag
  • Build a den at home / pitch a tent in the garden/ hang up a hammock (whatever you can)
  • Sleep in your shelter of choice
  • Build a ‘campfire’ (real or virtual)
  • Take part in a “Scouty activity”
  • Help with cooking a meal

MOST IMPORTANTLY……. Each night you participate share a creative photo, video, blog, etc. to our social media with:

Please send photos to the 23rd Bromley Scouts Facebook page, or send them to your section leader, so that we can see people continuing to enjoy Scouting from their own homes.

Happy camping!

Helping Our Community

Unfortunately, we have had to stop our weekly Scout meetings due to Coronavirus, however that doesn’t mean that we have to stop supporting our local community.

Last week some of our volunteers delivered leaflets to our neighbours to offer any support that we can through these tough times.

Today the group were all too pleased to do some shopping for a local resident who is unable to leave their home.

If you know anybody who would appreciate some support then please let us know.

Coronavirus Update

Following yesterday’s update from the Prime Minister regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19) we have been advised by the Scout Association that all face-to-face Scout meetings, activities and events must be suspended from today, Tuesday, 17 March 2020.

This suspension applies to young people and adults, and will be until further notice. As a result no section meetings will be taking place for the foreseeable future and this Sunday’s Church Parade and the HQ Spring Cleaning event planned for Saturday 28th March 2020 have also been cancelled.

We will continue to follow official guidance and keep you updated as soon as we receive further information from the Scout Association. We would like to thank you for your continuing support at this difficult time.

The safety of everyone involved in Scouting, both young people and adults, is our number one priority.

Providing Scouting for 145 Young People

Each February the group have to submit their numbers for the annual Scout Census.

We are really proud to be one of the largest groups in Bromley and be providing high quality Scouting to 145 Young People. This wouldn’t be possible without the countless hours given up by over 35 volunteers.

If you are interested in getting involved in the adventure, either as a Young Person or adult volunteer then just click here.