All posts by David Goodwin

Hurricane Badge Success

Hurricane Beavers have been very busy with an engaging and fun programme – they’ve completed 6 badges already this year!

Well done to everybody who has achieved the Space Badge, Cooks Badge, Experiment Badge, Communicator Badge, Disability Awareness Badge and their My World Challenge Badge!

Here are some photos of them completing their Experiment Badge:

Thanks to the leadership team for putting on such a great Scouting programme for all of the Young People!

Explorers Visit Al-Emaan Mosque

On Thursday 10th May, the Explorer Unit had a really thought-provoking visit to the Al-Emaan Mosque in Keston.

Omar, the Mosque Director, showed everyone around their place of worship and the Explorers then took part in 3 workshops. One to understand more about the Islamic religion, another to learn more about the importance of praying, and finally to hear about the huge positive impact that Muslims have had on the world we live in today. Did you know that various different Muslims were involved in the development of the first ever clock, were one of first people to consider flying, were involved in the creation of the first ever camera and were pioneers of the medicine we use today

The evening was finished off by witnessing evening prayers at the mosque, and a final chance to ask any questions. Throughout the evening the Explorers were very respectful to their surroundings and asked some very engaging questions. The fundamental beliefs behind the Islamic religion are very much aligned to Scouting principles, and other religions. It was great that the Explorer Unit were able to get an understanding of other cultures and religions that they come into contact with in every day life. As Omar mentioned to the Explorers “In a time where peace and harmony amongst people of different faiths and cultures is of greater necessity than ever”.

HQ Project

At the 23rd Bromley we are very lucky to have our own hall to use for all of our Scouting activities. However we are aware that there are a number of ways in which the hall can be improved. For example we only have one female toilet which is somewhat of an issue given some sections are predominately made up of girls.

Therefore the group are looking to start a “HQ Improvement Project” in order to upgrade the facilities that are available for our Young People and Leaders to use.

We are therefore hoping to get a team together of parents, guardians, friends and group supporters who are able to help us drive this project forward. For further details please click here.

St George’s Day

Thank you to everyone from the group who turned out on Sunday 22nd April for the Bromley District St George’s Day Parade. The parade took place at Crofton Junior School in Petts Wood and was attended by The Mayor of the London Borough of Bromley.

Baden-Powell chose St George as the Patron Saint of Scouting as the story of St George show him overcoming adversity – therefore every year Scouts throughout the UK all meet together locally in order to renew their promise.


Sandra’s Marathon Challenge

Later this month Sandra Goodwin, our Assistant Group Scout Leader, is undertaking the challenge of a lifetime. She is running the London Marathon in aid of Cancer Research UK.

On Sunday 22nd April she will be running 26.2 miles around the capital. Cancer will affect most of us, either directly or indirectly, at some point in our life and so by raising funds for this great charity Sandra hopes to help them to work towards beating this cruel disease.

You can sponsor Sandra at:

Race Night

Huge thank you to everyone who came to support our Race Night on Saturday 24th March in aid of this years Kenya Expedition.

The hall was packed with over 100 people, all of whom were treated to an informal and fun evening. Throughout the night there were a number of videos of horse races shown on the big screen, with people placing bets (a minimum of 50p) on which horse they think will win. People also got a lovely Fish & Chip supper included in their ticket thanks to our local take away.

 Throughout the night we also picked the winning ticket for the raffle of Denilson’s amazing painting. Congratulations to Joyce!

In total the event raised over £1,900, which is a new record for a Race Night and surpassed everyone’s expectations. Everyone going to Kenya would like thank those who came to this event for their support. The money raised will go towards giving the Explorers a truly unforgettable trip to Kenya, and the project work we will be doing in Kenya alongside the Harambee for Kenya charity.


AirJump Fundraiser

The Kenya Expedition team have been given the opportunity of an exciting fundraising event at AirJump in Orpington. They have given us exclusive use of their arena for two sessions on Tuesday 27th March 2018.

The first session is 7pm-8pm, the second is 8pm-9pm. There are 65 tickets available for each session and will cost £12 each.

For more details, including how to book tickets, please click here.

Missing Equipment

If anyone has borrowed the amplifier and speakers, or the raffle drum, from the HQ can you return them please as they are needed for an upcoming event.

Please email if you have any of the above equipment.

Many thanks

20 Year Service Awards

Congratulations to Linda Smyth and Paul Saunders who were presented with their 20 year service awards at the Going Up Ceremony after Church Parade today.

Thank you to both Linda and Paul for all the time you have committed to the group over the years – it is much appreciated.

Peter Pan Panto

After many months of hard work the group put on its Panto from the 11th – 13th January and it was once again a great success! Across four sold out performances a phenomenal £3,200 was raised for the group.

This year the cast and crew put on their interpretation of Peter Pan. Peter Pan and Tinkerbell the fairy lead Wendy Darling and her brothers on an adventure to Neverland, leading to the final showdown with Peter’s enemy, Captain Hook (and Hook’s enemy, the Crocodile).

There were over fifteen new cast and crew members this year (most whom are aged 8-12 years of age) all of whom did incredibly well. It meant that we had the largest cast and crew support we’ve ever had! Each person is involved in the Scout Group in some way and we are really grateful for all of the time that people commit to Scouting and the Panto.

Katie Ainscough, 16, who played Prosecco (one of the mermaids) said that “Being part of the pantomime was something I’m really glad I did this year. Throughout all of the rehearsals and performances I’ve got to mix with loads of different people, all linked through the 23rd Bromley in some way and I’ve got to know them really well.”

An awful lot of work went into the Panto in the months leading to January, with Katie going on to say “the rehearsals were so much fun, even though tiring sometimes but the actual performances were amazing too! Overall being part of the Panto was a really fun experience, whilst also raising money for the Scout group, and I’d love to do it again.”

A huge thank you must go to everyone who played a part in making this Panto our most successful yet, in particular to Claire Pester (and family!) who commits an incredible amount of time to the Panto. From writing the script, arranging rehearsals, finding music, sourcing costumes, making props, the list goes on.

We were flattered to receive some touching comments from audience members:

“Well done all of you. You should be very proud of your fantastic performance tonight. Big shout out to all of the Natives, Lost Boys, and younger cast members you were all great 👏👏. The older members of the cast put on a brilliant performance too 👏👏 to you as well. I’ll be back next year 🎭🎭” – Gwyn Muckelt, GLSE Scouts County Commissioner

“What a great way to spend a Thursday night, another great Panto from the 23rd, takes amateur dramatics to another level! Young People and Leaders alike played their parts brilliantly” Lee Hawley, Bromley District Scout Network Commissioner and 15th Bromley Explorer Leader

“I was so impressed by the quality of the scouts pantomime. What great performances by such talented creative and inspirational young people. Thanks to all the people who put it together. Music , tech , scenery , props, costumes, choreography, directors, the lot. It was really wonderful to see all their achievements come to life. Well done everyone involved.” Lara Bartlett, Parent of 2nd Bromley Brownie

“Best panto yet. We all loved it and thought the cast were fabulous. Young blood and so many new stars in the making. Well done.” Moira Butterworth, Long Serving Panto Supporter!