All posts by David Goodwin

Christmas Fair 2024

Itā€™s only 6 weeks until the next fund-raising event on Saturday the 23rd November which will be the Groupā€™s ā€œChristmas Fairā€.  Please put the date in your diary so you can attend, have some fun and buy some bargains!

Could we please just remind you that we would be very grateful for any donations of unwanted gifts or nearly new items of toiletry/jewellery items and complete toys and jigsaws which can be delivered on a weekly basis to the HQ when your son/daughter goes to their Scout meeting. 

All monies raised at this event will go directly to the Group Funds which are used for the maintenance of the HQ and general running of the Group.

Your support would really be appreciated.

 David Wilcox

Alan Bartlett – Gone Home

Alan Bartlettā€™s funeral service will be held at Bluebell Crematorium (TN14 7AE) on Wednesday 30th October 2024 at 3 p.m. There will be a reception afterwards from 4 p.m. at the Rose and Crown in Green Street Green (BR6 6BT).

Full details can be found at:

The family have asked for people to let Paul or Donna know so that they have an idea of numbers at the cemetery and venue afterwards. If you donā€™t have their contact details directly then feel free to send us a message and we will pass it on to them. The family would also like to thank everyone for their continued messages of support and they look forward to sharing memories of Alan with you when we all meet on the 30th October.

It is with great sadness that we announce that Alan Bartlett passed away yesterday (08/10/24).

Alan, known as ā€œTiggerā€, first become an Assistant Cub Scout Leader with Kim Pack in 1985, a role he held until 2004. After stepping back from leadership he continued to support the group, attending events such as Jumble Sales and Race Nights. Alan played a fundamental role in our Pantos and Gang Shows, both helping to put the stage up and performing on it! He is pictured here at the County Ball in 2010.  

We send our condolences to Jean, Paul, Donna and all the family.

Summer Adventures

Although all of our sections took a well earned break over summer, a number of our Young People still had incredible Scouting adventures.

Our Scout Troop and Explorer Unit both attended the Essex International Jamboree – which saw over 4,500 Young People from all over the world enjoy a week worth of activities. Jonny from our Explorer Unit kindly provided the below summary of his time:

“In the sunny week at the end of July, I attended the Essex International Jamboree with a group of Scouts and Explorers from 23rd Bromley. For us it was a short car journey to Essex where we joined Scouts and Guides from across the globe. After our troop set up camp we headed down to the opening ceremony which started our jam-packed week. The entire Jamboree congregated in the centre of the campsite to be welcomed to the Jamboree with an opening ceremony including a flag parade, speeches and dancing.

The field that the Jamboree took place in had been transformed to a town, complete with our camping zones, ten different activity areas, a central stage, and a variety of shops. Every day our subcamp went to two activity zones each containing several different activities to do on a particular theme. Personally, my favourite zone was Up and Under, where we did climbing, abseiling and a huge zipwire. From the other zones some of my highlights were tomahawk throwing, high ropes, kayaking and the inflatable obstacle courses. After preparing and eating dinner there was always a variety of entertainment including circus acts, music and a talent show.

Overall, the Jamboree was a brilliant opportunity to meet people from a huge variety of different cultures and countries as well as strengthening bonds within our own troop. I can confidently say that everyone had an amazing time and was utterly exhausted by the end of it. I would definitely recommend a Jamboree to anyone who has the opportunity to go.”

Duncan, Edward and Sam from our Explorer Unit went on the Bromley District Trip to the Ardeche in France. They kindly provided the below summary of their trip:

“After a day of travel: a coach ride, smooth ferry crossing, and a few
more hours in the coach, we were dropped off in the scorching heat of
Ardeche. Once there we set up our tents and listened to the explanation
from the camp staff about how to properly clean up and use the right
bin favourites when were throwing the away high waste. The activities were all very fun, our favourites were the high ropes course and the climbing walls but the river activities and pool were also amazing.

During the trip we also visited a few towns and descended into a massive cave with lots of weirdly shaped rocks. The highlight of the trip was the river descent where we all paired up and paddled down the river and it’s rapids stopping every now and then for a break and to enjoy the river by floating down the rapids or jump in from the nearby cliffs. In between the days of paddling we slept outside which felt fine because it was so hot.
Although the descent was fun many of us were happy it was over as all
of us would have capsized if it hadn’t been for the guides.

This was the end of our trip for the most part and on the way back some of us had pizza for breakfast at 4:00am. It was fantastic and we would love to go again.”

2024Ā Annual General Meeting

Dear Scouters, Parents & Supporters
Firstly thank you for the contribution and support you give to the Scout Group which allows us to continue to flourish.
I would also like to invite you to attend the Annual General Meeting of the Group which this year is being held at the Scout HQ at 2.30pm on Saturday 28th September. Aside from the necessary formalities of an AGM, which I promise will be kept to a minimum, this is a great opportunity to recognise and thank all our volunteers, catch up with people involved in the Group and make new connections over light refreshments.
This year as we move into new ways of working we have a wide range of opportunities for people to support the Group including:

  • New Charity Trustees,
  • Within the operational Teams ie Beavers/Cubs/Scouts & Explorers
  • Fund raising team members
  • HQ maintenance team members

If you would like to volunteer for these or any other role to support the 23rd Bromley Scout Group please get in touch with myself or any of the Leaders for a no obligation discussion.

In any event I hope to see you at 2.30pm on Saturday 28th September.

Many thanks

Colin Goodwin

Chair – 23rd Bromley (St Augustine’s) Scout Group
07977 918685

Dates for your Diaries

Please find below dates of a number of group events we have planned for the remainder of the calendar year:

  • Sunday 15th September – Harvest Church Parade
  • Saturday 28th September – Group AGM
  • Sunday 10th November – Remembrance Day Parade
  • Saturday 23rd November – Christmas Fair
  • Saturday 7th December – Stage Building
  • Friday 20th December – Christmas Carol Concert

Sponsored Hopscotch Raised over Ā£4,250!

Over 50 people of all ages took part in a 24-Hour Sponsored Hopscotch event at the Scout HQ on 13th/14th April. The challenge was to collectively complete as many hopscotches as possible, ensuring there was always at least one person hopscotching at any one time!

The Beavers kicked off the event at 10am on Saturday morning – throughout the first 12 hours Brownies, Cubs, Scouts and some Leaders / Parents all took turns in completing as many hopscotches as they could. As day turned into night, it was the turn of the Explorers to take up the challenge. Fueled by plenty of snacks, the Explorers had the challenge of continuing through the night. A special mention must go to the 5 Explorers, 1 Scout and 4 Leaders who stayed up all night and ensured there was always at least one person hopscotching at all times. As morning broke, people from all Sections came along to complete the last two hours of Hopscotching. In the 24 hour period we completed 39,215 hopscotches – which is an epic achievement!

It was fantastic to see so many different people from different sections all take part in this event – in total 8 different sections were represented (including one of the Brownies colonies).

The event was to raise money for the HQ Improvement Fund and the group are delighted that it raised over Ā£4,250! We really appreciate every donation and were blown away by everyone’s generosity. The money raised means we are well on the way to achieving our fundraising goal to provide improved toilets and an accessible entrance to the Scout HQ.

Thank you to everyone who supported the event – including the leaders who organised the event, all who did some hopscotching and all those who donated so generously.

Hopscotch Challenge Match Funding

The Scout Group have very kindly agreed to MATCH FUND every pound that is raised from the Hopscotch Event later this month – this includes all money raised from paper sponsor forms and the JustGiving page:

This means that whatever amount is raised will be DOUBLED by the Scout Group. All funds raised from the event will go towards the fundraising for the HQ Improvement Project – which is aiming to improve the toilet facilities at the Scout HQ and also provide a more accessible entrance.

Another Successful Quiz Night

Thank you everyone who attended the Quiz Night on Friday – we raised Ā£473 towards Group Funds. 

A very enjoyable evening and a big thank you to Paul for being Quiz Master and Mark for scoring.

Look out for our next Quiz night in October, details will be on our website early September.

Group Awarded Ā£1,000 Donation

We were informed today that we have been awarded Ā£1,000 as part of the Movement for Good initiative. This money will be going towards our ongoing fundraising efforts for our HQ Improvement Works.

Thanks to all those who nominated us, and keep out for similar nominations in future.