Although we can’t meet as normal at the moment, the group are really proud to see that a number of our Young People are using their spare time to help others.
The Ballard family, who have children in Cubs, Scouts and Explorers, are aiming to complete Samarathon this year. They hope to rack up 26.2 miles walking or cycling over the course of July to raise vital funds for the Bromley and Orpington branch of Samaritans.
Samaritans know that life can sometimes be incredibly tough. Thanks to the dedication of over 20,000 volunteers, Samaritans can be there for anyone, whatever they are going through and whenever they are struggling to cope.
During the recent pandemic life has been even tougher for many; Samaritans volunteers have been taking increasing numbers of calls and emails over the past few months. The Samaritans organisation has also launched a dedicated line for NHS and social care workers as they appreciate the particular pressures that these lovely, hard-working people are under.
If you would like to support the Ballard’s in their fundraising then you can do so by visiting:
Claire Ballard said “Samaritans’ work is literally life-saving and wouldn’t be possible without the amazing generosity of people like you supporting people like us. Even a few pennies will help. Thank you.”