You may have seen a familiar face on your TV, or heard a familiar voice on your Radio, earlier this week. After impressing on the GLSE Scout Speak Up Training, and then be chosen to meet Ellie Simmonds, one of our Explorers, Katie Ainscough, was part of the Scout Associations recent press coverage.
Katie said: “I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to be on Sky News, BBC Radio 4, ITV News and BBC News all in one day. It was an amazing day even though I had to wake up at 4:30am!”
You can watch the interview on ITV News at:
You can listen to a short clip from the BBC Radio 4 ‘The Today Programme at:
She went on to explain: “I was doing all of this to broadcast the Scout Associations need for more adult volunteers. Even though we’ve had a record amount of adults volunteering in the UK over the past year, there are now even more young people wanting to join Scouting, with waiting lists being at record highs as well. The only way that Scouts continue is because of all of the great adults giving their time and volunteering, this highlights the great need for volunteers!”
It was a great honor for the group to have someone selected to appear on national TV and Radio to represent the Scout Association. Katie did a really good job and a number of people took to Twitter to comment on how well she did:
Great to hear @hpkentish & Katie from @23rdBromley talk about our increase in Adult volunteers and our need for more on @SkyNews
— Simon Carter (@Scoutsscarter) April 11, 2017
Watching back to @hpkentish and Katie on TV and radio demonstrating #SkillsForLife today – brilliant spokespeople for @Scouts – very proud!
— David Hamilton (@DavidHamilton) April 11, 2017
@hpkentish @23rdBromley Katie brilliantly articulating the arguments for becoming a @scouts volunteer on @BBCr4today #skillsforlife
— Matt Hyde (@matthyde) April 11, 2017
Katie finished by saying: “I had so much fun being on TV and helping the scouts media team to advertise scouting and the needs for volunteers. However I was definitely tired after a very long day!”
The 23rd Bromley are always on the look out for new adults to support us, whether that’s being a leader at a section, helping with paperwork or organizing fundraising events. The group is fully run by volunteers, if anyone is able to give some time to support us then please come forward.