On Thursday 10th May, the Explorer Unit had a really thought-provoking visit to the Al-Emaan Mosque in Keston.
Omar, the Mosque Director, showed everyone around their place of worship and the Explorers then took part in 3 workshops. One to understand more about the Islamic religion, another to learn more about the importance of praying, and finally to hear about the huge positive impact that Muslims have had on the world we live in today. Did you know that various different Muslims were involved in the development of the first ever clock, were one of first people to consider flying, were involved in the creation of the first ever camera and were pioneers of the medicine we use today
The evening was finished off by witnessing evening prayers at the mosque, and a final chance to ask any questions. Throughout the evening the Explorers were very respectful to their surroundings and asked some very engaging questions. The fundamental beliefs behind the Islamic religion are very much aligned to Scouting principles, and other religions. It was great that the Explorer Unit were able to get an understanding of other cultures and religions that they come into contact with in every day life. As Omar mentioned to the Explorers “In a time where peace and harmony amongst people of different faiths and cultures is of greater necessity than ever”.