The stage we use for our Pantomime and Gang Show performances every year is in need of some tender loving care. The carpet in particular has had its fair share of feet walking over it and is starting to look a bit sorry for itself.
We were on the look out for a new carpet that we can lay later in the year when we put the stage up and reached out to a number of companies to see if they could provide us what we needed. Huge thank you must go to Sommer Event Flooring who have kindly donated us a new carpet for our stage absolutely free of charge, including delivery from their Midlands warehouse!
The Scout Group and the Pantomime Society are really grateful to Sommer Event Flooring for their very kind donation – it has saved us hundreds of pounds.
More details about Sommer Event Flooring can be found online at: https://www.sommer-eventflooring.com/en/