Oh what fun we had! With a significantly bigger cast than previous years; comprising of lots of new young people, who represented many of the sections across the group – we’ve had an absolute ball! It was truly wonderful to see how much our young people got from being involved in the panto – the impact on confidence, self esteem and friendships was significant! Being involved in the panto is a big commitment we thank everyone involved who has shown such dedication and enthusiasm.
We are delighted to announce that the panto raised just under £3,500 this year, enabling us to purchase a new stage for next year. A huge thank you to Rob and Ian Powell for sourcing the stage, for driving to Liverpool between Christmas and New Year to collect it and for storing it for us!
A huge thank you to those who came to support the panto – we do hope everyone enjoyed it and without the support we receive, we wouldn’t be able to put on the performances and raise much needed funds for the Scout Group – so thank you!
We hope to recruit even more new budding actors, singers and dancers for next year’s panto – we’d love to hear from anyone who would like to be involved. Please do get in touch via email (scoutpanto@aol.com)
Onwards and upwards!
Claire, Ellen and Nick
Below are just some of the great reviews that the Panto received:
“Absolutely Fabulous Darling – a 10 from us!! Laughed out load, whopped and booed and generally had the best afternoon of pure entertainment! Well done guys you all smashed it!!”
“Was brilliant. Whole cast were fabulous and the set, lighting just everything was amazing. Everyone is very talented and we had such an enjoyable afternoon. Well done to all!”
“Just wanted to get in touch to say how blown away we were by the Panto. It was our first time and we didn’t really know what to expect but it was absolutely amazing! Everyone who was involved should be incredibly proud of themselves. We can’t wait until next year!”