All posts by David Goodwin

End of Term

All of our sections have now held their final section meetings for the summer term.

Thank you to all of the Young People and Parents for their enthusiasm over the term, but most of all thank you to all of the leaders who give up their time to put on such a great programme for their sections.

Although weekly section meetings stop until early September, Scouting at the 23rd Bromley doesn’t stop all together. A number of sections are going away on summer camps during the time off, and over 30 Explorers, Network and Leaders are jetting off to Kenya in August.

You can follow their adventures at:

Kim Pack Father & Cub Camp

Kim Pack have had a fun filled Father and Cub camp this weekend at Hopehill Campsite in Meopham.

They were blessed with glorious weather for camping. Over the weekend they slide down home made water slides, made Dutch arrows, competed in some problem solving games against each other and even had a chance to watch the football!

Everybody had a brilliant weekend – thanks to all the Cubs for being so well behaved, the Fathers for their enthusiasm and most of all thank you to the leaders who organised such a great camp.

Working Party

On Friday evening the Scouts made a great start for the Working Party by clearing the driveway, trimming hedges, pruning the trees, clearing the path and tidying up the flowerbeds.


On Saturday morning a number of group supporters also came along to the HQ to help with some important general maintenance. Thanks to the many helping hands we were able to get lots of jobs done, which will help improve the experience that the Young People have.

The group would like to thank everyone who helped over the weekend – your efforts are very much appreciated by everyone at the group.

Sports Day 2018

This coming Saturday, 9th June, will be our annual Group Sports Day at Norman Park Athletics Track.

There will be track and field events for all sections to take part in throughout the day, as well as some special events at the end for parents, supporters, leaders and young friends.

Registration for participants is open from 12.30 with the first race starting at 1.00pm.

There will be a BBQ and refreshments on sale throughout the afternoon.

If you have any questions, please contact your section leader.

Fingers crossed for good weather!

Mick Golding – Gone Home

It is with very deep sadness that we have to announce that Mick Golding passed away peacefully this afternoon (Tuesday 22nd May) after a short illness.

Mick joined Kim pack when he was 8 years old and has been a permanent fixture in the group for the last 51 years. He helped in both Scouts and Cubs and was the best Quarter Master we’ve ever had! He always turned up to help at Jumble Sales, Sports Day and the Christmas fair and that’s not to mention all the hundreds of camps he must have been on.

Mick has been a true and loyal friend to many of us over the years and we are sure that many people have happy memories of time spent with him in and out of Scouting. We encourage people to share these memories in the comments below…

Elvis Tribute Fundraiser

On Tuesday 19th June, the Fundraising Committee are putting on ‘A Night with Elvis’.

This entertaining evening will include a 3 course meal, and will take place at the Village Cuisine in Farnborough, where you will be treated to some of the best Indian / Bangladeshi food in the local area!

The event starts at 7.30pm and tickets cost £25 (not including drinks). Please spread the word to anybody you know who might be interested. All profits will go to support the group in putting on affordable Scouting activities for our Young People.

To book tickets please contact Paul Gubby – 07914284810.

Hurricane Badge Success

Hurricane Beavers have been very busy with an engaging and fun programme – they’ve completed 6 badges already this year!

Well done to everybody who has achieved the Space Badge, Cooks Badge, Experiment Badge, Communicator Badge, Disability Awareness Badge and their My World Challenge Badge!

Here are some photos of them completing their Experiment Badge:

Thanks to the leadership team for putting on such a great Scouting programme for all of the Young People!

Explorers Visit Al-Emaan Mosque

On Thursday 10th May, the Explorer Unit had a really thought-provoking visit to the Al-Emaan Mosque in Keston.

Omar, the Mosque Director, showed everyone around their place of worship and the Explorers then took part in 3 workshops. One to understand more about the Islamic religion, another to learn more about the importance of praying, and finally to hear about the huge positive impact that Muslims have had on the world we live in today. Did you know that various different Muslims were involved in the development of the first ever clock, were one of first people to consider flying, were involved in the creation of the first ever camera and were pioneers of the medicine we use today

The evening was finished off by witnessing evening prayers at the mosque, and a final chance to ask any questions. Throughout the evening the Explorers were very respectful to their surroundings and asked some very engaging questions. The fundamental beliefs behind the Islamic religion are very much aligned to Scouting principles, and other religions. It was great that the Explorer Unit were able to get an understanding of other cultures and religions that they come into contact with in every day life. As Omar mentioned to the Explorers “In a time where peace and harmony amongst people of different faiths and cultures is of greater necessity than ever”.

HQ Project

At the 23rd Bromley we are very lucky to have our own hall to use for all of our Scouting activities. However we are aware that there are a number of ways in which the hall can be improved. For example we only have one female toilet which is somewhat of an issue given some sections are predominately made up of girls.

Therefore the group are looking to start a “HQ Improvement Project” in order to upgrade the facilities that are available for our Young People and Leaders to use.

We are therefore hoping to get a team together of parents, guardians, friends and group supporters who are able to help us drive this project forward. For further details please click here.